Patient Resources
This page will help you find out more about your general health and answer questions about any health problem you may have. In addition, you will be able to find information on drugs or herbal products you take and interactions which may be harmful to your health when taking more than one drug or herbal product together.
Patient Education
Doc Response can also be downloaded onto your mobile device and allows you to decide based on a certain set of symptoms whether you can manage this at home, can wait until the next morning or after the weekend to see the doctor or whether you need to go to the ER right now. It may save you a trip to the ER!!!
Addresses All Your Travel Concerns
Centers for Disease Control – Travel
Anything You Want To Know About Patient Centered Medical Homes
Patient Centered Medical Home Collaborative
What is a Patient Centered Medical Home and the advantages for you as a patient
Safe Alternative Medication Recommendations
Seize the Awkward: You Tube Videos about your Mental Health (and how to start the conversation about awkward moments)

You Tube Videos About Your Health

1. ITriage – Health, Doctor, Symptoms, and Healthcare Search: Patients now
have access to an endless amount of health information right in their pockets.
This app allows them to check their symptoms and easily locate a physician or
hospital in the vent of an emergency.
2. Diabetes App – Blood Sugar Control, Glucose Tracker, and Carb Counter.
Outside of the physician’s office, patients with diabetes often struggle to monitor
their condition. This app provides a food database for patients to track their
consumption. It also allows physicians to monitor any fluctuations. The price is
$6.99, but a lite version is available for free.
3. ICookbook Diabetic – Recipes and nutritional information plus health
articles for people with diabetes. When it comes to cooking healthy, patients
may need some inspiration. Developed by dietitians, this app provides diabetic
friendly recipes, as well as tools for meal planning and grocery shopping.
4. Diabetes in Check – With digital coaching from certified diabetes educators,
patients can eat better, get active, and lower their blood sugar. This app provides
constructive feedback as well as tools such as barcode scanners and meal planners
that will help them control their Type 2 diabetes.
5. Glucose Companion – This app is a handy blood sugar and weight tracker. It
offers comprehensive monitoring of a patient’s diabetes, and it allows patients to
resent a complete log to their physician at their next appointment.
6. Blood Pressure Monitor – Family Lite: This app allows patients to monitor
their blood pressure and weight on the go. It comes with a lifetime data
visualization and statistics reporting. It also displays medication correlations.
7. HeartWise Blood Pressure Tracker – Monitoring blood pressure at home
doesn’t have to be difficult for patients. This is the easiest application to use for
recording blood pressure, resting heart rate, and weight. It also allows patients to
import their existing records.
8. Mayo Clinic Health Community – This app provides access to an online
health community, where patients can connect with and learn from other patients
experiencing similar health issues. It offers a members-only discussion forum, as
well as medical news and information from the Mayo Clinic.
9. Tummy Trends – Constipation and Irritable Bowel Syndrome Tracker:
Patients can track their IBS symptoms, exercise habits, water intake, fiber intake
and stress levels. An interactive graph allows them to share their report with their physician.
10. iCalcRisk – Encourage patients to adopt healthier lifestyles by calculating their
cardiac risk. Physicians can use the visualizations in this app to show how they’re
managing cholesterol, controlling blood pressure, and lowering their risk of heart attack.
GoodRx is a app that allows you to look up the best price for any drug at any pharmacy in the area and provide you with coupons to defray the cost. A great site in this era of rising pharmacy costs!